hello alcohollywood!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

just got home!

quite a good friday!

went to town after work to meet cat.. and then went to geylang lorong 33 to meet kel and derrick for yummy claypot rice! actually not very yummy. more like yummy tofu! and then jael came too. and we were allll supposed to go to zouk. but in the end, only i went. cos... never mind long story.

many were at zouk tonight.. was doing a "inter-club hopping" thingy. ooo the biggest surprise was seeing kel at zouk, and then meeting him outside at winebar to have drinks with lasalle lecturers. (??!!!) haha. :D miss going out with my cousin and the rest. the whole "yayy i feel like a lil girl" thingy. haha. when i told kel what ive been up to lately, he did the ultimate danny/melvin thing. smacks my head and go.. daph you ah.. haha.

hahaha and i have something very proud to announce!!

i drank 2 flaming lambo and i didnt get drunk!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhaa. and im fucking proud of myself.. lalalala~

and cat and kelly came back to zouk to look for me. and we were all quite high and we started talking nonsense. haha.

supper with sera. super full........


bed time! :) wassup tonight??


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